Teodorescu wants SD to condemn hate storm

Teodorescu wants SD to condemn hate storm



full screen The Christian Democrats’ top candidate for the EU elections Alice Teodorescu Måwe. Archive image. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT

The Christian Democrats’ top name in the EU elections, Alice Teodorescu Måwe, wants SD to condemn the “hate storms” she was exposed to earlier this spring, she writes on Aftonbladet debate.

In the debate article in Aftonbladet, Teodorescu Måwe wonders if SD had anything to do with the “flood of hate and threats” that flooded the comment fields in her social media channels on March 15. Then, in an interview in DN, she spoke about why she does not share SD’s values, among other things.

“It was coordinated, it was massive, but above all it was racist,” writes Teodorescu Måwe about the posts in the comment fields.

“If the Sweden Democrats have ‘nothing to do with the hate storms’, then where is Åkesson’s clear condemnation of those who commented targeting my and my children’s ethnicity?” she continues in Aftonbladet and adds:

“I miss this unequivocal condemnation.”
