angry, biologists no longer report Covid test results

angry biologists no longer report Covid test results

Angry, biologists have not been reporting since Monday January 2 the results of the Covid tests which allow the government to follow the evolution of the epidemic. Biologists, who have sharply increased their profits with Covid tests, dispute the amount of savings that will be asked of them in return in the coming years. They provide, if they are not heard, more penalizing actions for the French.

“A black month of January to avoid black years! This is the new watchword of biologists. In question, a point of tension with Health Insurance which asks them to reimburse more than they earned during the Covid pandemic.

►Also read: France: for the public health agency, the country is affected by a “triple epidemic”

We are being singled out as war profiteers on the Covid. And now, when we’ve done exactly what the government ordered us to do – and it hasn’t been easy! -, we are asked to repay more. Basically, it’s like a boss asking one of his employees to work overtime for the whole year. And that at the end of the year, he decided not only not to pay them. But in addition, in double trouble, to lower his salary “, Estimates Lionel Barrand, the president of the national union The medical biologists.

Willing to lower the prices of their actions

However, biologists say they are ready to lower the price of their acts to relieve health insurance and thus reimburse a large part of the 856 million euros earned with Covid tests. ” We understood that there was a delicate situation in terms of health insurance savings, we are ready to make efforts. We proposed savings of 685 million, that is to say 80% of all our Covid profits. These savings go through a reduction in the pricing of acts. We are not asking to increase the price of biology procedures. We just ask not to lower them too much. It is not the same ! “, assures Lionel Barrand.

If a compromise seems to have been found for the reimbursement for the year 2023 at 250 million euros, it is now over the period 2024-2026 that the negotiation is blocked. Biologists promise more penalizing actions for the French if the government refuses dialogue.

►Also read: Covid-19: cacophony in the EU over the arrival of travelers from China
