Anger at MSB – parasites take advantage of people’s concerns

Anger at MSB parasites take advantage of peoples concerns



fullscreen MSB has had to mark several times when the brochure “If the crisis or the war comes” has been used to sell preparedness products. Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

These are brilliant times for the crisis industry. But the companies’ sometimes aggressive marketing of crisis boxes and crank radios irritates MSB, which has had to roar when the authority is used as a quality seal.

– It makes me very angry that someone has preyed on people’s concerns, says risk and crisis communicator Anna Teljfors.

The crisis box has had an odd journey, notes Anna Teljfors, who was responsible for the center section on home preparedness in the brochure “If the crisis or the war comes”.

– We invented it as a symbol for collecting preparedness items you have at home and then it has become something that is sold expensively.

Used in marketing

A problem that has arisen is that companies that sell, for example, prepackaged crisis boxes and crank radios use MSB in their marketing.

Anna Teljfors has come across MSB’s brochure being cut into a picture, or claiming that the authority recommends certain products. It has happened that interviews with her have been cut so that it sounds as if you should have a crank radio of a particular brand at home.

– We act on everyone we see. They got a new start after People and Defence.

The only ones allowed to use the brochure in their box are the trade unions TCO, SACO and LO as well as PRO, which sells the “Folklådan” to its members.

It also happens that the marketing made people think they bought products directly from MSB.

– It is very unfortunate. It makes me very angry that someone has preyed on people’s concerns. It could be someone who has a lot of money who bought a radio for 700 kroner when it could have gone well with a normal clock radio on battery.

The radio is surprising

Just that the crank radio has such an impact surprises her a little. MSB has never said it is a better alternative.

– What you should know about the crank radio is that you have to crank and that doesn’t suit everyone. I’ve been struggling for the last year trying to lift this – buy something at a flea market, take whatever you have at home that runs on batteries.

Anna Teljfors emphasizes that MSB as an authority cannot decide what people should buy or even if they should do so.

– It’s more “if you don’t want to be a burden on society, can these be some ways to manage your everyday life at home”. It’s not about buying a lot of expensive things – that’s the last thing we want – but rather about learning to live like in the old days.

FACTSHome preparedness

Having home preparedness means being able to manage without society’s help for a week.

Make a plan for how you can arrange water, food, communication and heat in the home for seven days. You may need to adapt to your particular household’s needs and conditions. Is there anything else you or your loved ones need in a normal week?

Prepare together with others. If the crisis or war comes, we all need to help each other. If you know your neighbors, it will be easier to cooperate and help each other.

Source: MSB

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