Anger at Ica in Torslanda: Sports cars steal the family parking spaces

Anger at Ica in Torslanda Sports cars steal the family

Published: Just now

A parking dispute has flared up at Ica Maxi in Torslanda.

Men in sports cars accused of stealing family parking spaces.

– I think it’s disrespectful, says mother of two Jennie Wölfinger.

full screen Jennie Wölfinger, 31. Photo: Private

The discussion about the family parking took off in a local Facebook group where about twenty users raged against how the spaces are used, something Gothenburg Post was the first to report on.

“Can those of you standing in Ica Maxi’s family car park who don’t have small children give a damn about standing there in a rush?!”, writes one woman, and is supported by several people.

One of those who is tired is Jennie Wölfinger, 31.

– People who do not have children take the parking spaces simply because they are closer to the shops. They are often slightly nicer cars or sports cars, she says and continues:

full screen Image from Ica Maxi’s Instagram. Photo: Instagram

“Puts pressure on parents”

– You shouldn’t lump everyone together, but it’s usually middle-aged men who are afraid of their cars. They don’t want people to open the door from the side.

For Jennie, whose children are six months and 2.5 years old respectively, shopping becomes a big hassle when the parking lots are busy.

– I think it’s disrespectful, the parking lots exist for a reason. It is quite a business to get children into the car in a regular parking lot. It’s big cars and narrow windows, she says.

– It is also safer to park near shops so that the children do not stand out in the way. This puts pressure on parents to keep track of several children at the same time.

full screen Image from a family parking lot at Ica in Skurup, similar to the one in Torslanda. Photo: Krister Hansson/Aftonbladet/TT

ICA: “The sign is clear”

At Ica Maxi in Torslanda, signs have been put up to sort out the parking situation, which has been debated for several years.

– I think it’s boring. The signs are pretty clear and this is about simply caring about other people. We want to draw attention to the fact that the places are reserved for families with children and that you can please respect that, says ICA dealer Karin Lundström.

However, Jennie does not think that the signage affects the illegal parkers.

– Unfortunately, I think people ignore the signs, so it doesn’t matter. You can’t fine people either. They can stand there, there will be no consequences. We families with children have to suffer instead, she says.
