Anger after “Strawberry” was released on bail in Turkey

Ismail “Strawberry” Abdo was arrested in Turkey – but was released on bail of just over SEK 6,000.
Now comes strong political reactions.
– I think it’s lousy, says Tomas Tobé, the Moderates’ top name before the EU elections.

Turkish police arrested gang leader Ismail “Strawberry” Abdo, according to Turkish media.

He is said to have been wearing a protective vest and a gun for which he did not have a license. Abdo was later released on bail for a sum equivalent to approximately SEK 6,600. This has caused several to react strongly.

“We expect the government to take full control of the situation and use all possible tools to put pressure on the states where gang criminals have sought refuge. We cannot have a situation where serious criminals are not brought to justice,” writes the Social Democrats’ legal policy spokesperson Ardalan Shekarabi in a written comment.

The requirement: An explanation

The Sweden Democrats’ Richard Jomshof, chairman of the Riksdag’s justice committee, believes that the Swedish authorities should immediately demand an explanation from the Turkish authorities.

“If there is a wanted list for him at Interpol and the Turkish authorities then choose to ignore this, it is of course really bad,” he writes.

Tomas Tobé, the Moderates’ top name before the EU elections, thinks that the action is “lousy”.

– This is a person who should be behind bars. This reinforces my belief that we need to stop the free movement of these gang criminals within Europe. But also the shuttle traffic that we have in and out of Europe. We need stronger European cooperation against organized crime, he tells TV4 Nyheterna.

The prosecutor’s frustration

The fact that Ismail Abdo is not extradited to Sweden and that Turkey chooses to release an internationally wanted person also makes state prosecutor Daniel Jonsson frustrated.

– Since he is a Turkish citizen and Turkey in principle does not extradite its own citizens, which Sweden does not do either, it could be due to this. That you don’t act on the international want on their part, he says.
