Anders Blomquist’s adamant criticism of the Swedish ski pump – saws the leadership: “Change and do right”

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Ola Strömberg quits as director of the Swedish Skiing Association after six years in the post.
A decision that SVT expert Anders Blomquist sees positively.

Finally there is a chance to change and do right, says “Blomman” according to SVT Sport.

After six years, the federal director shall Ola Strömberg seek to move on to a life in business. And the decision to leave has been met with mixed reactions.
“It is of course sad that Ola is leaving, but we are happy to have been able to work together with him for so many years. The Swedish Skiing Association has developed in many ways under his leadership,” says the chairman Karin Mattsson in a statement.

Criticism of the “flower”.

But there are also those who receive the news with open arms, for example the SVT expert and the former national team skater Anders “Blomman Blomquist”who believes that the recruitment of Ola Strömberg was wrong from the very beginning.
– There are quite a few decisions that have been difficult to understand and quite a few decisions that have not been good for Swedish skiing. It has been a construction of a staff, where you build from the inside out instead of aiming at what the business should provide and building from the basis of providing the best conditions possible all the way. I think that has been striking throughout this period, says Blomquist according to SVT Sport.

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During the years that Ola Strömberg has been in the position as union director, major changes have taken place within the union, where five people left or were forced out of their positions over a period of a couple of years.

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“Don’t have the whole picture”

And Anders Blomquist believes that the trust in Strömberg has not been particularly great.
– Out in the skiing world, there has been no trust, that is my opinion. I think there are many in ski Sweden today who see a possibility that Swedish skiing can take off again, he says.

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Ola Strömberg himself understands “Blomman’s” views, but at the same time believes that there is more that history does not tell.
– I understand that Anders has his opinions, but he does not have the whole picture and is not really familiar with how we work at the entire union. I’ve also said it before that everyone is entitled to their opinion and then you don’t have to agree, says Strömberg to the site.

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The post Anders Blomquist’s adamant criticism of the Swedish ski pump – saws the leadership: “Change and do the right thing” appeared first on Sportbibeln.
