an Independence Day marked by heightened nationalism due to the war in Ukraine

an Independence Day marked by heightened nationalism due to the

The Poles celebrated the 104th anniversary of their independence on November 11. A national holiday which is also the occasion each year to claim one’s belonging to the homeland and to celebrate a common culture and traditions. This year, with the war on the Ukrainian border, that feeling was even stronger.

With our correspondent in Warsaw, Martin Chabal

Under a Ukrainian flag, Wojtek came to demonstrate to remember the roots of his country. If today, he celebrates the independence of his country, he owes it in particular to the Ukrainians: ” People sometimes forget that in this country, an important part of the history is that of the Cossacks, a Ukrainian-based people. But if you look at the flag there, you can see Saint Michael the Archangel, the patron saint of kyiv and Ukraine. »

Confronting Russian Imperialism

Because with Russian aggression on the other side of the border, many claim to belong to Poland in the face of Russian imperialism. ” We must not forget that we are no longer occupied, and have been for 104 years, recalls Arkadiusz who came to parade from the suburbs of Warsaw. Now we can make our own laws as a nation, which was not possible before. »

They proudly sing the Polish anthem

Gregorz came as an observer. He admits that the war in Ukraine is playing its part in the feeling of belonging to the nation: “ I think paradoxically the war in Ukraine is helping to strengthen the nation. And today, with this event, people can realize how many they are. And many of them proudly sang the Polish anthem in the streets of Warsaw.

Also to listen: In Poland, part of the Russian opposition discusses “post-Putin”
