An employee at an assisted living facility allegedly subjected a woman to sexual abuse

It was in July that information emerged that an employee at an assisted living facility in Uppsala allegedly subjected at least one woman at the facility to abuse.

The woman was urged to file a police report for what is described as sexual harassment, according to information from a Lex Sarah report that SVT Uppsala has received.

The employee is said to have also offered the woman tablets and shared cross-border content on social media.

“Vulnerable persons”

It is unclear if more residents have been exposed. The municipality will now investigate further whether there was a breach in the routines at the accommodation.

– This is municipal housing where people who really need society’s support live. Then it should be completely obvious that you get that particular support, says Tomas Odin at the social administration.

Tomas Odin announces that the employee was called to a meeting for dismissal – but managed to resign himself before then.

Uppsala Municipality has not reported the incident to the police.

– We believe that it is primarily an employment law issue, he says.

Hear more about the event in the clip above.
