All fuel out in Karesuando – too cold to fill the tanks

– There is no fuel at all on the Swedish side of Karesuando, neither with us nor with the neighbor Gulf, says Mats Eliasson, owner of Byamacken.

According to Eliasson, the reason that it is out of fuel is that the tanker has not been able to empty the fuel, presumably some valves or something else had frozen.

– I advised them not to come because it is around minus 45, says Mats Eliasson, who does not want the tanker to arrive until Sunday when the cold has subsided.

The fuel also runs out in Pello

Fuel in the area is currently only available in Finnish Karesuando and in Upper Soppero. Because at the deli in Pello, on the border with Finland, both the petrol and diesel tanks are also empty.

The home service has had four cars with empty tanks and had to go over to Finland and fill up with the two kroner more expensive petrol there.

– None of our home care customers have been left without help, but everything has flowed as usual, says Johanna Alanentalo, area manager for the northern part of home care in Övertorneå municipality, to SVT Norrbotten.
