Agreement between UniCredit and ZES Abruzzo for the development of the territory

UniCredit in support of the Third Sector 177 non profit organizations

(Finance) – It was signed today a Rome the memorandum of understanding between UniCredit and the Extraordinary Commissioner of the Government for the ZES Abruzzo, aimed at jointly defining initiatives and projects that can offer growth opportunities to businesses and the local area. The Special Economic Zones (ZES) aim to attract investments, develop infrastructures, encourage the creation of new jobs and promote the growth of exports and industrial activities.

The ZES Abruzzo is characterized by a advantageous taxation and by an articulated system of administrative simplifications, which can be accessed by companies for production structures located in the ZES territories or who start a new entrepreneurial economic activity within it.

based onagreementUniCredit is committed to being a financial partner of businesses who want to invest in the Special Economic Zone of Abruzzo, through the offer of instruments credit and financial credits and the allocation of a special dedicated plafond, as well as conveying to its customers, thanks to its own network capillary throughout Italy and in the foreign countries where it is present, the opportunities underlying the initiative, also through the organization of specific presentation of the measure with selected entrepreneurs. To this end, the ZES Abruzzo will provide UniCredit with data and information relating to characteristics of the territories falling within the Zes area, to business initiatives and planned investment projects.

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan destin 630 million euros for infrastructural investments aimed at ensuring an adequate development of the connections of the ZES areas with the national transport network, in particular with the Trans-European networks (TEN-T), in order to make the implementation of the ZES effective. Furthermore, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, in addition to investments, also provides for a simplification system for the issue of administrative authorizations necessary for investments and to facilitate the construction of interventions quickly, as well as the establishment of new businesses.

“The signing of the agreement for the Special Economic Zone of Abruzzo is very important,” he said Valentine Valentini, Deputy Minister for Enterprise and Made in Italy”. “The Zes were created to make some areas of the country more attractive and competitive, which have the capacity to relaunch themselves but need a boost, greater simplification, tools and incentives that make them more attractive. An agreement like today’s goes in the direction of making development opportunities concrete. Among my powers is that of attracting foreign investments and therefore I can only be satisfied with this step. The government and the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy will continue to support all the subjects involved, to guarantee a positive development and the relaunch of Abruzzo”.

“The Special Economic Zones – he explained Roberto Fiorini, Head of the Central Region of UniCredit – they are an important opportunity to attract investments, necessary to create new jobs and contribute to the development of the territory. As a bank we feel strongly responsible for contributing to the success of the initiative so that it can be a herald of direct and indirect benefits for the region. We make our skills and in-depth knowledge of the area available with the aim of being a financial partner of companies that want to invest in the Special Economic Zone and that can make a significant contribution to the economic growth of Abruzzo, acting as a driving force for development”.

“The special economic zones, with the advantages constituted by the tax credit and administrative simplifications, work alongside businesses to encourage new investments and therefore development and new employment in the identified areas. The support of the world of credit and the protocol signed with UniCredit goes in this direction – added the Government Extraordinary Commissioner for the Abruzzo ZES, Mauro Miccio – it is essential especially in the start-up phase of the business project because it can incentivize and support the company while waiting for the return of liquidity that will come from the tax credit”.
