Within a week, two deadly ski accidents occurred in Åre. In addition, a fire broke out in a hotel building last Saturday where seasonal employees live, many of whom work for Skistar.
– It’s been an incredibly tough week. It is struggling to have three such crisis situations running for a week, says Sebastian Thomasson, Skistar’s destination manager in Åre.
Dressed in popular off -piste area
Last Saturday, an 18-year-old man was killed from Tröndelag in Norway. The man had traveled in a popular off -piste area, near “Mårtens steep”, which is above the eastern ravine.
Just a few days earlier, on Wednesday, a 65-year-old man was killed after driving into a tree next to a ski slope in another part of Åre’s ski system, Tegefjäll. The man was a resident southern Sweden.
How have you at Skistar handled this?
– We have focused on taking care of our employees, says Sebastian Thomasson and continues:
– Of course you also think of relatives, it is so deeply tragic.
In any of the cases, the police suspect any crime.
In the video, Sebastian Thomasson tells how the two fatal accidents are believed to have gone and how Skistar works with safety.