After attempted vandalism: Residents of Leksand are asked to boil their drinking water

The call to boil the water applies to everyone in Leksand municipality who is connected to municipal water.

An attempt at vandalism must have been discovered on Monday at one of the drinking water facilities, and because of that, Dala Water and Waste has issued the boiling recommendation as a precautionary measure.

Police report drawn up

A police report has been drawn up following the discovery.

– It must have been someone who broke open the hatches to a water reservoir, we have been there and drawn up a report, then I don’t know what classification we have or where it lands, but we will look into it, says officer on duty at the police, Jan Materne , on Tuesday morning.

Drinking water tanks are set up in central Leksand, but primarily residents of the municipality are asked to boil and use the water from the tap.
