After 40, Here’s the Best Cereal to Boost a Slow Metabolism (and Lose Weight)

After 40 Heres the Best Cereal to Boost a Slow

As we age, our metabolism tends to slow down naturally and it is more difficult to stabilize our weight, or even lose a few pounds. Concretely, when our metabolism is running at a slow pace, we store more calories than we burn and the slightest excess can be seen on the scale. Fortunately, a slow metabolism is not inevitable: you just need to provide it with the right nutrients to boost and restart it. And this from breakfast with, for example, a bowl of cereal.

First of all, you should know that not all cereals are equal. Obviously, you should avoid ultra-processed cereals, which are much too sweet, cause blood sugar to skyrocket and do not satisfy. Specifically, their consumption slows down the metabolism and increases fat storage in the abdominal area. Another cereal, much more “raw” and nutritionally interesting, offers many benefits for our metabolic health.

This cereal “is rich in complex carbohydrates and soluble dietary fiber, especially beta-glucans“, underlines Catherine Gervacio, dietician interviewed by the women’s media SheFinds. When we consume a whole grain, the body “activates” the metabolism which must expend energy to break down the nutrients. Satiating, soluble fibers help to slow digestion and to absorb carbohydrates (sugars) more gradually, providing a gradual release of energy throughout the day. This avoids “blood sugar spikes” and cravings which can harm our metabolism.

According to the nutrition expert, the right thing to do is to start the day with a good bowl of whole oat flakes without added sugar (the equivalent of 30 to 40g): “a simple but effective way to boost your metabolism“For a tastier breakfast, she suggests topping your cereal with fresh, seasonal fruit and a small handful of nuts (nuts support metabolic function by providing an energy boost to the body, which burns more calories). This fruit/whole grain combination not only boosts your metabolism, but also keeps you energized and satisfied for hours, without cravings or high blood sugar.
