Accountants, the activities of the Aldo Sanchini School will restart in January

Accountants the activities of the Aldo Sanchini School will restart

(Finance) – The next one will start January 9th the nineteenth edition of training course for the preparation of the State exam to obtain the title of Chartered Accountant and Accounting Expert, within the scope of the activities of the Aldo Sanchini School.

This year the course is jointly organized by eight Territorial Orders: Cagliari, Cassino, Civitavecchia, Frosinone, Latina, Rome Rieti and Viterbo. On the other hand, the direction of the Telos Foundation, the operational arm of the Order of Rome for training activities, and the collaboration with theUniversity of Rome “Sapienza”, which since the first edition of the course has contributed significantly to the realization of the initiative.

“If eight orders have joined together to organize this course – he highlights Giovanni Battista Cali, president of Odcec in Rome – is because they are convinced that young people are the future of our profession and that their adequate training is essential not only for their success but also for the success of the studies in which they operate. In fact, young professionals represent an opportunity to broaden the skills of studies and to bring new sensibilities, experiences and perspectives within them”.

There school over the years he has modified his own nature“and today – explains Calì – it allows members to train even from the workplace or from home, thus eliminating the time lost for displacements. In fact, the lessons are online. We started doing it during the pandemic and today, following the request of the members, we continue”.

The duration is 240 hours divided into eight modules, through which the participants can deepen with theoretical lessons and practical exercises the main themes of the professional activity and object of the tests of the State exam. Lessons will start on 9 January and end on 9 October 2023 according to a schedule that includes two weekly appointments, Monday and Thursday from 2.30pm to 6.30pm. Registration is open on the Telos Foundation website.

Dorina Casadei, president of the Aldo Sanchini School, states: “The course covers most of the subjects covered during the state exam. We have sought a practical approach, choosing professionals who carry out their professional activity and who are supported by university professors. And then we believe the participation, among the speakers, of officials of the Revenue Agency and magistrates, figures with whom professionals interface practically every day, is fundamental. In short, a 360-degree approach to train today’s and tomorrow’s accountants”.
