Abuse in Hässelby villa town – residents are worried

During the night, a 55-year-old man was badly beaten by a youth gang in Hässelby.
Residents in the otherwise quiet residential area are worried about the noticeable increase in violence.
– It’s terrible that it’s so close, says Inger.

During the night to Sunday, the police and ambulance were called to Hässelby Villastad.

According to several media outlets, a 55-year-old man had confronted a youth gang when he was badly beaten outside a preschool. His condition is described as serious.

According to the police, the man was beaten and kicked by up to ten people who used at least one object, including something that looked like a baseball bat.

TV4 Nyheterna has spoken to residents in the area, who express concern about the escalating violence.

– It’s terrible that it’s so close, that you shouldn’t dare tell them. With danger to life, says Inger.

“I’m on my guard”

During the night, a police helicopter circled over Inger’s house. Tobias Tuveson was also affected by the incident.

– Of course it doesn’t feel good, but this sort of thing happens more or less every day or every night. There are both bombs and shootings, assaults and knife attacks, he says.

Tobias Tuveson describes the residential area as calm, but that in the future he will think about what he says.

– You can’t tell anyone for a long time, you don’t know what will happen then. I am on my guard and I think, especially when it comes to my children, that they don’t move in the wrong areas or the wrong circles at the wrong time.
