A2A, the first “Life Talk” dedicated to the value of water is underway

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(Finance) – Starting today i Life talksthe new path started by A2A to promote a reflection on the responsible management of resources and the safeguarding of the elements necessary for life, which includes a cycle of three meetings dedicated to Water, Energy and the Environment. The Group, in partnership with the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo (CN) – center of excellence for the study of sustainability and sovereignty of food systems – has launched an academic path with the involvement of key opinion leaders and experts from the scientific world to investigate the relationship between nature and human well-being in its most essential synthesis: food .

A2A wanted to dedicate the first talk entitled “There is no life without water” to this limited and precious resource, essential for people’s lives and the survival of the planet, for whose protection the joint action of citizens, companies and institutions is required, united in a common commitment. After this first appointment, the Group – explains A2A in a note – will continue its commitment to protect water with a program of initiatives aimed at promoting good practices for the correct use, reduction
of losses, recovery, reuse and improvement of services dedicated to citizens.

“Climate change is having a strong impact on water resources and Italy is among the European countries that is most suffering the consequences. The increase in frequency and intensity of extreme phenomena we are witnessing, including droughts and floods, generates burdensome on people, the environment and the economy.As the second operator in Italy in hydroelectric generation and among the main players in the integrated water cycle, we are aware of the importance of our role and the responsibilities that
arise” – he commented Renato Mazzoncini, CEO of A2A –. With the Life Talks we want to create a new space for thinking, discussing and raising awareness of the value of essential resources: today we are starting with water by analyzing the actions necessary to preserve it. We will continue on this path by talking about energy and the environment, topics that are part of A2A’s DNA and for which we have planned investments of 16 billion by 2030″.

“Times of drought alternating with periods of real floods have perhaps opened our eyes to the fragility of our systems with respect to the issue of water – he said Carlo Petrini, president of the University of Gastronomic Sciences and founder of Slow Food –. The time has come to approach this precious resource in a more careful and respectful way. This must also pass within the daily life of individuals. In the kitchen as in every practice, it is a duty that each of us adopt a more responsible consumption of water, without wasting it”.

Today’s meeting hosted the contribution of Luca Mercalli, president of the Italian Meteorological Society, with a broad examination of data and reflections on climate change, followed by a first in-depth panel on the impacts of water crises and their management, the profiles of law and the issue of access to water and examined the policies that can be implemented in the scope of the country system.

Tullio Montagnoli, CEO of A2A Ciclo Idrico, added to the discussion a contribution on the importance of correct water management and the benefits deriving from the huge investments that operators are ready to put on land, while a second panel focused on the centrality of innovation and technology connected also to production in agricultural dress:
themes that allowed to range from the presentation of solutions dedicated to the sustainable use of the resource in crops, to the recovery of the humidity present in the atmosphere, to viticulture.

The wine itself was the protagonist of the final debate between the journalist Mario Calabresi And Angelo Gaia of the winery of the same name, pioneer of the enhancement of Barbaresco and Italian wines all over the world, who talked around the theme “There is no wine without water”. The wine production in these territories represents both a fundamental economic asset and a value for the local communities
and is closely linked to the preservation of ecosystems. Climate change and the alternation of periods of drought and floods have in fact serious repercussions also on the cultivation and management of vineyards.

To enhance and further disseminate the various contents and ideas that emerged during this first appointment of A2A, the publication of a paper aimed at students and the scientific community. The Group has also tightened some partnerships with broadcasters and podcast companies to carry out dissemination activities, thus reaching a wider audience, in order to most effectively promote the messages that emerged from today’s conference on the management, use and safeguarding of this essential resource.
