a public ceremony to seal the Constitution for Women’s Rights Day

a public ceremony to seal the Constitution for Womens Rights

This is the very last step for the inclusion of abortion in the French Constitution, and also the most symbolic. President Macron will be in Paris at noon at the Ministry of Justice, for the sealing of the constitutional law adopted Monday by Parliament meeting in Congress. More than 1000 invitations have been issued for this ceremony which will also be open to the public.

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Place Vendôme is open from 11 a.m. The president wants an outdoor ceremony with the French and not behind closed doors at the Ministry of Justice, explains Raphaël Delvolvé from the RFI political department. The idea is to make it a popular event.

Emmanuel Macron who was not allowed to attend the Congress on Monday in Versailles, will deliver a speech broadcast on giant screens. Next to it will appear the imposing sealing press. A machine in the shape of a large screw, 200 years old, with which the Minister of Justice, Éric Dupont-Moretti will then affix a green wax seal to the text adopted by Parliament. The 300 kilo machine was ordered in 1810 by Cambacérès.

Historically intended to guarantee the authenticity of a writing, the affixing of the seal has no longer been necessary for the validity of laws for more than 100 years in France, but the use continues for the most important texts. The decree of September 8, 1848 defining the shape of the seal has never been repealed. The constitutionalization of abortion falls into this category for Emmanuel Macron who completes this reform on March 8, International Women’s Rights Day and one year to the day after committing to it. Since 1946 there have been fourteen “ sealings » of laws. These were almost always revised Constitutions.

Read also“History”: France enshrines the right to abortion in its Constitution
