A pinch works wonders! Protects against diseases like armor

A pinch works wonders Protects against diseases like armor

Turmeric is considered the queen of spices in India. Other countries that heard the benefits of this spice, which is often used in Indian dishes, started to use turmeric in their kitchens. There are many people who add turmeric, which has a very dominant taste, to milk and drink it, as well as many people who add it to herbal tea and honey. Coming to the benefits of turmeric, these benefits do not end with counting.


  • It calms the inflammation.
  • The antioxidants in turmeric support the skin’s fight against signs of aging.
  • Turmeric, which is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, protects the body against cancer.
  • Here is the answer to the question of whether turmeric weakens: Turmeric is a spice that accelerates blood flow and regulates the digestive system. This feature of it helps to lose weight. In addition to adequate and balanced nutrition, you can get rid of excess weight with regular use.
  • It increases body resistance against the famous cold air waves coming from the Balkans.
  • Turmeric, which has gas and diuretic properties, relieves edema.
  • It regulates stomach acidity and strengthens the stomach.
  • Liver friendly. It ensures the removal of toxic substances accumulated in the body. Supports the treatment of tuberculosis disease.

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  • It plays an active role in lowering cholesterol.
  • The curcumin substance in its content increases the body’s resistance against cancer with its antioxidant feature, and prevents the formation of tumor cells. The chemotherapy process of those who are treated for cancer with turmeric is more comfortable and the side effects of chemotherapy are reduced.
  • It prevents the risk of complications caused by diabetes. It strengthens memory.


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  • Turmeric can be used as a spice in every dish except dessert.
  • You can also try turmeric as a spice in many dishes using saffron and curry.
  • Turmeric pasta and turmeric rice can be given as examples in this regard.
  • If you like eggs for breakfast, you might like the turmeric omelet.
  • You can include it in the spice mix when marinating your meats or add it during cooking.

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  • You can add it to your vegetable dishes for both color and flavor. It is common to use turmeric with cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.
  • If you like to drink tea, you can prepare turmeric tea by brewing 1 teaspoon of powdered turmeric with 2 glasses of hot water. Due to its bitter taste, turmeric and honey can be used together. You can make it even more delicious by adding ginger to it.
  • Indians use turmeric in their cooking along with black pepper in oil. You can also try this way.

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  • Turmeric milk mixture can be good for your children to increase body resistance, especially in spring.
  • Turmeric milk also helps to clean the blood, reduce pain, and fight bacteria and viruses in the body.


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  • In fact, there is no data on the side effects of turmeric; however, its excessive consumption can harm the body as in all other plants. You may experience mucosal irritation when consumed in high proportions for a long time.
  • Those with gallstones are advised to pay attention to their turmeric consumption. There are studies showing that it causes bile colic.
  • The stomach acid-increasing feature of turmeric can cause discomfort in those with gastritis, ulcers and intestinal problems and should be used in consultation with a doctor.
  • Turmeric is a plant that increases coagulation, so those who use blood thinners should pay attention to their consumption of turmeric. Again, because of this feature, it is important for people who need surgery to stop using turmeric two weeks before.
