A miracle with two ingredients: It removes the infection, prevents the proliferation of cancerous cells!

A miracle with two ingredients It removes the infection prevents

Alternative medicine experts add baking soda to almost every medicine they prepare. The main reason for this is baking soda is a powerful infection killer. At the same time, when mixed with honey, it supports the regeneration of the human body.


Cancer is one of the most common diseases in the world and in our country. This mixture, which prevents the proliferation of mutated and cancer-prone cells, prevents the emergence of even deadly diseases.

The mixture, which is consumed regularly every day, provides benefits from the skeletal system to the nervous and digestion. It keeps the energy level high throughout the day. If you eat five almonds after the mixture. You will be energetic all day long, and by reducing the desire to eat junk food, you will prevent the body from getting trans fats and unhealthy substances. It is an ideal mix even for weight loss. Honey containing natural sugar is said to be good even for diabetes by positively affecting insulin resistance in the blood. Experts recommend that it should be consumed regularly for at least a month to see the benefits.


  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 3 tablespoons of baking soda


How to make a mixture of honey and baking soda? Consume 3 tablespoons a day by mixing honey and baking soda for a month. You can have it between meals after meals. Make sure to use it regularly. You will have to be very careful about your diet while eating the mixture. Completely avoid sugary foods, fried foods, and sodas.
