A made-to-measure dress in two minutes! The essential tutorial

A made to measure dress in two minutes The essential tutorial

Your favorite dress is too large for your figure? This little thing spotted on TikTok, which does not involve a belt, will change the game!

What a disappointment to end up with a dress that was too large after ordering it on the Internet. Even worse, not having had time to try it on during our shopping session and having exceeded the deadline to exchange it… Result: we all have a ill-fitting dress lying around in the back of the closet and never being worn. Thanks to the TikTok application, you no longer need to have sewing skills to put an end to this problem. On the account of @carolinafreixa, we learn how cinch a dress that yawns slightly at the waist.

To perform this very simple trick, all you need is two pins and a thread. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Put the dress on inside out.
  2. Mark the waist with safety pins.
  3. Run a wire through these safety pins.
  4. Tie it until you get the desired effect.
  5. Turn the dress right side out.
  6. That’s it !

Other new tips of the day

This will result in highlighting the silhouette and giving a more feminine look. If in the video the trick is performed on a satin dress, then in reality it is possible to apply it to any flowing dress.
