A large-scale rescue operation in the Baltic Sea, when a mother and child fell into the sea – the NATO military exercise was cancelled

A large scale rescue operation in the Baltic Sea when a

The accident happened in the middle of the Baltic Sea between Karlskrona in Sweden and Poland. According to the Swedish Maritime Administration, both persons who fell into the sea have been found.

The mother and child fell into the Baltic Sea from the Stena Spirit passenger ship, which was sailing from Poland to Karlskrona, Sweden, tells Swedish public radio SVT.

Both people have been found and transported to the hospital, but there is no more detailed information about their condition.

The alarm about the accident came in the afternoon.

It launched a large-scale rescue operation, which involved a large number of rescue authorities and equipment.

– We will soon get five helicopters to the scene, and we will use everything that is in the Baltic Sea. We have canceled the NATO exercise and are receiving assistance from the US Coast Guard. Everything that floats or flies is there to help, Anders Lännholm The Swedish Search and Rescue Center told SVT.

The accident happened in the middle of the Baltic Sea between Karlskrona and Poland.
