A gynecologist explains why periods tend to start on a Thursday or Friday. Info or intox ?

A gynecologist explains why periods tend to start on a

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Odile Bagot (Gynecologist-obstetrician)

    Contrary to popular belief, feminine cycles are not at all correlated with lunar cycles. On the other hand, they could start more on Thursdays or Fridays, according to an American gynecologist. Info or intox ? The response from our expert, Dr Odile Bagot, gynecologist and member of the Doctissimo expert committee.

    Contrary to what some beliefs suggest, the female menstrual cycle is not influenced by the Moon. On the other hand, it could start more on Thursdays and Fridays according to an American expert.

    Cycles that would start more at the end of the week

    In a TikTok video that he shares on his account, Dr. Steven Palter, a fertility expert based in New York, explains that “new research about to be published on more than 300,000 menstrual cycles analyzed shows the majority of cycles start on a Thursday or Friday“. Conversely, menstrual cycles were less likely to start on a Tuesday.

    A day at the start of the cycle linked to your lifestyle habits

    According to the specialist, the start of periods is linked to our sleeping habits, our diet and our stress. And for him, these phenomena become more deregulated as the weekend approaches.

    Dr. Steven Palter also adds that this trend was stronger among women with normal or longer cycles – 28 days or more – and was less applicable to women with shorter cycles.

    “It is indeed possible, if it has been scientifically observed”

    To decipher this information, Doctissimo interviewed Dr Odile Bagot, a gynecologist who is a member of the expert committee. According to her, the “The normal cycle of a regular woman who is not on the pill is 28 days plus or minus three days, so it does not come back on the same day of the week each time.. The specialist recalls, however, that the case where “a woman can have her period on the same day of the week each cycle is the one on which she take the pill.

    Regarding this video and the comments made by Dr Palter, Odile Bagot remains cautious. “He explains that the study has not yet been published, we should already be able to have access to it in order to make a decision. But it is possible that this has been observed, it is probably true and we have no scientific explanation to understand why this is the case. she adds. Before concluding “that this has no direct practical implication for women, apart from showing that they have their periods more at the end of the week, before the weekend”.
