A first in the world! Murdered teenage football player ‘come back’ with deepfake

A first in the world Murdered teenage football player come

We are in an age where high technologies are used intensively. Hundreds of pixel-resolution cameras, virtual reality glasses and headsets, and metaverse platforms all exist in this era. Dutch police, on the other hand, used a high technology to solve a teenager’s murder; To Deepfake.

DIED IN 2003

According to the news in Independent Turkish; Young football player Sedar Soares was shot dead in the parking lot of Rotterdam metro station at the age of 13. According to police, the teenager was found “in the wrong place at the wrong time”. Investigators believe an organized crime gang is operating near the subway station and that Sedar was “a victim of the underworld purely due to bad luck.”


The Dutch police prepared a “deepfake” video to get information about the murder that took place in 2003. Authorities in Rotterdam describe it as the “first in the world” investigation using artificially forged footage.

In the footage, there is an imitated image of 13-year-old young football player Sedar Soares. The digitally edited video, released nearly 20 years after his death, shows Sedar walking on a football field with a ball under his arm, past relatives, friends and former teachers. The deepfake video ends with Sedar calling out to the camera and asking, “Do you know more? Then talk now.”

The use of “deepfake” video is intended to help solve the murder. Dutch police, who requested new information about the criminal gang, said they received a dozen clues after the video was first posted.


Deepfake is known as a type of media in which the face of a person in an existing image or video is replaced with another desired person or artificially imitated with the support of artificial intelligence.
