A family goes organic: the effects on their health are incredible!

A family goes organic the effects on their health are

A Swedish family tested an organic diet in a three-week study by Swedish grocery chain Coopa. The channel’s objective: to convince the public to take the organic step.

The family who played for three weeks, the Palmbers, is made up of five people, the father, the mother and their three children.

Drastic drop in the levels of pesticides in the urine

During the first week, the family members ate normally. Two weeks after starting their new fully organic food, the Swedish family has seen their pesticide levels drop drastically. Throughout the study, the family had to provide urine samples to the Swedish Environmental Institute.

Result: at the start of theexperience, the scientists found traces of eight pesticides in their blood: insecticides, fungicides and growth regulators … Precision however, the measured rates were within the norm admitted by the law. But from the moment the family changed their food, all the pesticides were gone.

Little is known about the effects of food treated with pesticides

Researchers are still wondering about the long-term effects of consuming treated food with pesticides. They do know, however, that chemicals can be even more dangerous when mixed together.

Also, they are suspected of promoting diabetes and allergies. You know what you have left to do : eat organic !

Read also :

– Consumption of vegetable proteins reduces the risk of premature death

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