Beware of enough nutrition in Ramadan: If you are inadequate, your immune system may collapse!

Beware of enough nutrition in Ramadan If you are inadequate

Nutrition and Diet Specialist Merve Sena Nazlı, Ramadan Regular nutrition is important in the month, malnutrition does damage the immune system, “Ramadan nutrition is very important. More in fact, in fact, we do not get up to the sahura to be divided, but we do not get up. sahur very important. When we do not make sahur, we feed on a single meal, which unfortunately leads to malnutrition. Depending on malnutrition, our immune system is collapsing. So we need to pay attention to this.

Do sahuru breakfast style

Sahur is not in the style of food, but let’s do more like breakfast. Protein content is high, ie an egg, menemen, omelet diversify, cheese varieties, but not very salty cheese, let’s make sure that the day is not thirsty during the day. You can consume olives, but some people can change it with walnuts or avocado because it causes a little thirst for some people. We want to have a greenery group, because it will prevent you from thirsty. We need to have a bread group, a carbohydrate. Here, instead of white bread, we prefer high fiber ones such as full grain, sour yeast rye breads.

“Chia seed provides satiety”

iftar sahur table

And we don’t want to eat such a pastry. Let’s pay attention to this. Unfortunately, fruit consumption is decreasing during Ramadan. So we can put a fruit in the sahur. You can also choose this in the form of sugar -free compote or compote. Again, the protein content is high as well as keep it satiated buttermilk or yogurt in the sahura you can definitely add, but they are not enough. If you say I’m still very hungry, in fact, Chia seeds also provides very nice toughness. You can put such a tablespoon in your water and drink it, or you can choose by putting it in your yogurt again. “

“Let’s start with soup from the front”

Iftar Sofra Table Ramadan

Nazlı, who made recommendations about healthy nutrition in the iftar, “Iftar from the front of the front of the water at the room temperature of the water and fasting. Let’s consume one palm because we can not eat during the day our blood sugar is low. We will consume the blood sugar will help to raise the soup from the front.

After the soup, let’s take a 5-10 minutes of a break because we eat very fast when we eat gastritis, reflux, gas, bloating problems, and this can lead to weight gain in a quick way can lead to weight gain, you can pray for 5-10 minutes or you can sit at the table and wait a little. Our meals need to be consumed alternately. In other words, if we had a meal with a meat one day, one day with vegetables, one day chicken is one day like a dried legume is sure to make them alternately. Only protein -weighted nutrition is, we do not want it, “he said.

“Tahini gives energy”


Nutrition and diet expert Nazlı, who talked about the richness of vitamins in Ramadan in Ramadan, said, “Tahini was used as both food and medicine in ancient Greeks. In the modern age, it is highly recommended due to high nutrient content. Because it contains, it strengthens our immune system and helps to remove toxins in our body because it has an antioxidant content.


Since it contains vitamin A and E, it also has a protective effect on our bones and muscles caused by tahini calcium content. It gives very good energy. Both athletes can be preferred as well as people who experience a lot of fatigue during the day, people who say that my energy falls in Ramadan should surely consume tahini. At the same time, it is very effective against both liver and kidney health as it threw toxins. Since it keeps more full, I give it as a bread recipe for people with diabetes. It does not raise our blood sugar because it does not contain flour and provides satiety for a long time. I think you can do this in sahur, “he said.


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