What is iodine drop, how to use it? What does the iodine drop do? Iodine drop benefits and damages

Iodine, growth, development, how the body uses energy is extremely important for the development of bone and brain. The iodine ratio that needs to be taken on a daily basis may vary according to the need of metabolism or the age of the person. Seafood, meat and dairy products are the leading iodine sources.

What is iodine drop?

Recently, the iodine drop is a liquid reinforcement product used to easily get the iodine that the body needs as a reinforcement. It allows the iodine to enter the body as a reinforcement in the human body. The daily amount of daily iodine that a person should take according to different periods or situations of his life Health According to the organization of the organization (DSÖ-WHO), it is as follows:

  • Babies 90 Micrograms
  • Children (6 – 12 years of age) 120 micrograms
  • Children (12 years) 150 micrograms
  • Adolescent and adult individuals 150 micrograms
  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers 250 micrograms

How to use iodine drops?

Especially in cold weather, the recommended iodine supplement can be used as drops. Since it has interaction with vitamin C, it should be between them for several hours and should be left between vitamin intake and iodine intake for at least 2 hours.

The iodine drop can be taken as 2 drops in 1 day for 1 week. It is recommended for children to have one drop per day. A sip can be consumed by adding a drop of iodine drops to the water in response to the risk of being sick.

What does the iodine drop do? What are the benefits of iodine drops?

People need to receive their daily iodine needs by reinforcement because they cannot produce their own bodies iodine. The iodine drop produced to meet this requirement can be consumed in the amounts and frequent amounts that the doctor deems appropriate in consultation with the doctor.

Although it is known for its benefits of iodine drops, wrong, unconscious and excessive use can cause various problems. The lack of iodine that manifests with many symptoms may also touch the damage. One of the most common iodine drop damages is the activation of nodules of patients with thyroid nodules and excess hormone secretion.

What is iodine drop for?

Iodine drops are used as a reinforcement to relieve the lack of iodine that people need. The deficiency completes the deficiency thanks to the iodine drop that can cause disorders such as nodule formation and goiter, but should not be taken more than necessary.

What color is the iodine drop?

Chloroform, carbon disulfide, carbon tetrachloride and chloroform easily dissolve to form purple solutions for iodine water less dissoluated. Less dissolves in water and creates a yellow solution. When removing the iodine drop, the QR code on the box of the product should be read as well as the color of the product and confirmed by displaying the certificate of the product.
