(Finance) – For many school leaders the exhausting situation will last at least until Christmas Eve hunt for substitutes to be appointed in your institution. Many schools – explains Orizzonte Scuola – are forced to adopt the so-called interpelli, real online notices, following the provisions of OM 88/2024, which replace the Mad, the Made available, used in recent years. The institutes, in practice, publish the notices after the GPSs are exhausted, the institute rankings are scrolled and no aspirants are found even in the nearby schools. From an analysis of the requests it appears that the most sought-after professorships are certainly those of support, but also of Italian, mathematics and physics, as well as foreign languages, in particular English, of the technical disciplines of high schools, subjects that graduates can teach in Stem disciplines.
“If a school system with over half a million temporary workers is forced to resort to appeals via the internet, including on social media, to find substitutes, because there are no more candidates in the exhausted GaE and GPS, there is more than one thing wrong – comment Marcello Pacifico, national president of Anief –. As a first response to this absurd situation, which is also at the basis of the lack of teaching continuity – continues the trade unionist – there is certainly the urgent transformation of all the positions in derogation or de facto in the workforce by right, just as it is essential to return to double recruitment channel and the stabilization of all those eligible for competitions. These are unavoidable and no longer postponable answers, for which we have been fighting for some time and will continue to do so, relentlessly, until they are achieved.”