Premia Finance, first half revenues grow by double digits

Fidia Board of Directors approves 2023 budget and 2027 plan

(Finance) – Rewards Finance closes the first semester with revenues of consolidated sales equal to Euro 3,077,539 (+12.3% compared to Euro 2,740,299
to 30 June 2023).

Consolidated EBITDA is equal to Euro 233,318 (+55.9% compared to Euro 149,653 at 30 June 2023), theEBIT consolidated amount of Euro 121,608 (116.2% compared to Euro 56,242 at 30 June 2023).

The Net result consolidated amount stands at Euro 60,525 (+ Euro 47 thousand compared to Euro 13,548 at 30 June 2023), while the Financial Position Net consolidated is negative (cash) and equal to Euro 842,595 at 30 June 2024, compared to the negative (cash) Euro 904,444 at 31 December 2023 and the negative (cash) Euro 928,776 at 30 June 2023.
