No equipment needed, this quick exercise allows you to tone your body simply

No equipment needed this quick exercise allows you to tone

No time, no equipment… This toning exercise will allow you to refine your figure with ease.

“I don’t have time”, “I don’t have any accessories at home”… There are many excuses for not doing sports. While the pace of the day and family life can be obvious obstacles, some excuses are more out of bad faith. Because there are some quick alternatives to being able to do your sport, without making big financial investments.

If you are tired of lacking tone, if you want to lose weight, a particular type of exercise will help you achieve this goal. It is also the best way to gain muscle mass according to experts at the Harvard School of Health. Just that.


This type of exercise is simply “bodyweight training”, a form of bodybuilding that uses, as its name suggests, the weight of the body, unlike that which uses accessories or machines. According to a report published by American researchers in Physiology and Behavior, it is indeed the most effective way to tone up and gain muscle mass. To arrive at this result, they based themselves on two completely different studies.

The first one, mentions significant results of bodyweight exercises on a group of young women, after 10 weeks of training. The researchers were able to observe an improvement in aerobic capacity (33%) and an improvement in muscular endurance, particularly in the central area (increase of 11%) and in the lower part of the body (increase of 6%).

The second piece of evidence that helps validate these conclusions comes from a Japanese study conducted on sixty-year-olds. For 10 months, they followed a routine of eight lower-body bodyweight exercises. By the end of the experiment, all had gained 15% muscle mass.

Among the exercises of a bodyweight training, we find: squats, sheathing, push-ups, burpees, lunges or even the bridge. All exercises that you can do quickly at home, without equipment. In detail, the bodyweight exercise allows in particular to work all the muscle groups, it strengthens the muscles used in daily activities, it improves balance and coordination by involving the stabilizing muscles and helps to strengthen the abdominals and the muscles of the lower back.
