This new feature from the CAF will make life easier when it comes to receiving benefits

This new feature from the CAF will make life easier

Thousands of beneficiaries will benefit from this change.

This is a welcome change for the beneficiaries of aid paid by the Family Allowance Fund, the CAF. The organisation which distributes, according to resource conditions, financial supplements to families in the greatest difficulty will introduce a new system to facilitate the process. This development is part of the overall project to reduce the rate of non-recourse to social aid.

According to the figures, one in three people without income do not apply for the Active Solidarity Income (RSA), and half of the potential beneficiaries of the activity bonus do not receive it. To remedy this situation, the CAF will change its way of doing things and it will be easier to receive the RSA or the activity bonus.


Until now, every three months, you had to log into your personal space on the CAF website and declare the income received during the last quarter. This is to be able to continue receiving the aforementioned aid. For the activity bonus, it is therefore necessary, each time, to take out your pay slip to find the exact amount. A simplified action from 1er october.

Indeed, on the same model as taxes, the CAF will now automatically pre-fill this form with the amounts that the administration or employer has sent it. Please note that the figures communicated will change compared to what is currently in force: it will be necessary to enter the remuneration received 4, 3 and 2 months previously, against 3, 2 and 1 month before, until now. Thus, at the beginning of October, it will be necessary to declare what was received in June, July and August, to benefit from the RSA or the activity bonus.

However, pre-filling does not mean automatic payment. The beneficiary must, each quarter, check the amounts entered and validate them to be able to see the money paid into the account. “You must confirm your declaration or your payments will be suspended while waiting for your response,” specifies the CAF to The Internet user.

This experiment will begin in October in four pilot departments: Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Hérault, Aube and Alpes-Maritimes. This test phase should be short-lived, and according to the reform schedule, all Cafs will adopt this system from March 2025.

However, only current beneficiaries of CAF assistance will be affected by this measure. People who have never received assistance will therefore not automatically receive this form telling them whether they are eligible for a social benefit.
