What is black garlic, what is it used for? What are the benefits of black garlic?

Black garlic, which is not very well known and perhaps many people have not even heard of, is actually a food that has been consumed for a very long time and is used by those who know its benefits. Black garlic, which is also included in care treatments as a beauty product by women in countries such as China and Korea, is not very popular due to its taste and smell, but the benefits it provides with the components it contains cannot be ignored.

Black garlic is known to have many benefits, from the immune system to liver problems, from improving cognitive function to balancing blood sugar. Black garlic can be consumed by adding it to meals, just like white garlic. It can be added to both meals and salads. If the doctor said there was no harm in consulting you It can also be swallowed directly on an empty stomach.

What is black garlic?

Black garlic is actually a type of garlic that is formed by fermenting known fresh raw garlic at certain temperatures and under appropriate conditions. If the necessary conditions can be created, normal white garlic can also turn into black garlic. During the fermentation process of garlic, some changes occur in the texture and taste of garlic. Due to these changes, black garlic is much softer, more chewy and sweeter than white and raw garlic.

Garlic, which is found in almost every kitchen and is always kept on hand, is a food that can be used in all dishes according to preference. Garlic, which adds a different flavor to every dish or soup, turns into black garlic when heat-treated. The place where garlic is grown the most in Turkey is the Taşköprü district of Kastamonu. In order to obtain black garlic from normal garlic, garlic grown in Taşköprü is mostly preferred.

The heat treatment process that normal garlic must go through to turn into black garlic takes an average of 540 hours. During this time, white garlic slowly turns into black garlic. Choosing the right garlic is extremely important to obtain beautiful and delicious black garlic. For this reason, white garlic with a ripe head is selected and these garlics are processed.

What is black garlic good for?

Black garlic is a food that is known to be beneficial to the human body from head to toe. However, like all foods, black garlic should not be used without consulting a doctor due to the possibility of possible side effects. It should be consumed after consulting a doctor and the doses given by the doctor should not be exceeded. The most well-known benefits of black garlic, which is heat-treated white garlic, and some of the situations in which it works are as follows:

  • Since it is rich in antioxidants, it helps cleanse the body of toxins.
  • It is effective in the process of cell renewal.
  • It is known to have positive effects on skin health when consumed regularly and under the supervision of a doctor.
  • It has an immune system strengthening effect.
  • It contains vitamins and minerals that the body needs.
  • It delays the signs of aging.
  • It is good for cholesterol problems.
  • It gives energy.
  • It helps to relieve the symptoms of diabetes.

What are the benefits of black garlic?

Black garlic is a food that contains important vitamins and minerals known for its benefits. The most well-known benefit is hair. Some brands also have black garlic shampoo. Although it has been used for a long time, some of the benefits of black garlic for hair that are not widely known are as follows:

  • It is good for hair loss.
  • It helps the hair to be shaped much more easily.
  • It provides the hair with a much brighter appearance.
  • It helps in cleaning the microbes on the scalp.
  • It also helps hair grow faster.
  • It strengthens the scalp and hair structure.

How to use black garlic for hair?

Black garlic can also be used for a hair care routine or a hair-related problem. If it is to be used for routine hair care, it will be enough to follow a few steps. The steps are as follows:

  • Peel 3 or 4 cloves of garlic and crush them.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of hair care oil and mix. If you do not have a regular hair care oil, coconut oil or argan oil can also be used.
  • Mix all the ingredients and let it sit for half an hour.
  • The remaining cure is applied to the scalp by massaging with fingers.
  • The mixture is applied to the entire hair and left for 30 minutes.
  • Immediately afterwards, the hair is washed with shampoo and rinsed until the entire mixture is removed.

Important note: This content is not medical advice. The contents are for informational purposes only and should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical problem. If you have a medical problem, please consult your doctor.
