Beach resorts, agreement with Brussels: tenders by June 2027

Balneari State Council confirms stop concessions at the end of

(Finance) – Agreement reached at the majority summit last week on the issue of seaside resorts after the negotiations conducted by the Minister for European Affairs, Raffaele Fitto, with the Commission European. The obligation to start the tenders will be by June 2027 with the extension of the current concessions which will therefore be extended to September 30 of the same year. However, it will be possible for the Municipalities anticipate the announcements if they want to do it. The new solution should now arrive in the Council of Ministers within the decree law to save infringements.

The draft document includes compensation but it sets some limits: they will be calculated on the value of the depreciable and not yet depreciated assets and on the fair remuneration of the investments (following a certified appraisal) limited however to the last five years. Excluding any type of pre-emption for outgoing concessionaires while the September 2027 deadline may be further extended until March 31, 2028 but only for objective reasons of difficulty in carrying out the tenders. The obligation to call for tenders by June 30, 2027 remains in any case.

According to the draft, the new concessions will have a duration from 5 to 20 years. The Municipality is responsible for reporting any shortcomings in the division into lots as well as the maximum number of those that can be awarded to a single bidder. This last clause should protect the micro-enterprises.
