What are the benefits of camel thorn? What is camel thorn good for?

Milk thistle is among the plants known for its various benefits and has many features that support human health. Its homeland is considered to be the Mediterranean and its other name is Virgin Mary Thistle, as it is frequently used among the public. It can be sold in tea form or as a capsule. It is known to be extremely beneficial for human health and has been used for the treatment of various diseases since ancient times.

One of the active ingredients is silymarin, which is obtained from the seeds of the camel thorn plant. The silymarin substance, which has antioxidant properties, has been accepted as the basis for the conditions in which camel thorn provides benefits. The camel thorn plant, which is known to be beneficial in many areas from internal organs to skin problems, can also be used as a solution to many ailments if used consciously and under the supervision of a doctor.

What are the benefits of camel thorn?

The compound silymarin is obtained from the milk thistle plant, and thanks to its content, milk thistle can provide benefits in many areas from the liver to the skin. Some of the benefits of milk thistle tea, which is mostly consumed in tea form, are:

It is beneficial for various liver problems.
It has a supportive effect on bone health.
It nourishes and protects the skin.
It regulates the digestive system.
It strengthens immunity.
It has a supportive effect on breast milk.
It is considered to strengthen brain functions.
It balances blood sugar.
It cleanses the liver from toxins.
It prevents possible damage to the kidneys.
It has a protective effect against seasonal allergies.

Camel thorn tea recipe


  • 1 glass of drinking water
  • 1 teaspoon of camel thorns


  • The water is boiled.
  • Add camel thorns.
  • Cover and let it brew for 5 minutes.
  • It can also be consumed by adding lemon or honey according to taste.

Milk thorn tea is an easily prepared tea. However, especially those who want to lose weight or maintain their weight should drink it carefully and in the amounts recommended by their doctors.

What is camel thorn good for?

The benefits of camel thorn, which is known to be good for different problems in various areas such as the skin, liver and stomach, come from the silymarin compound. It prevents the formation of pimples or acne on the skin and is effective on the liver from internal organs and protects the liver from possible diseases. The main conditions it is good for are:

  • Digestive problems
  • Indigestion
  • Urinary tract problems
  • Diabetes
  • Bone problems
  • Hepatitis
  • Cirrhosis
  • Jaundice
  • Acne
  • Undercover

Who cannot use camel thorn?

Generally known for its benefits to human health, milk thistle and its component silymarin are known for their positive effects. However, as in many cases, milk thistle can be more harmful than beneficial for some people. Therefore, using it without a doctor’s approval or recommendation can be harmful. Unconscious or excessive consumption or use can cause some side effects.

Especially those with blood sugar problems, diabetics, breastfeeding mothers, pregnant people, people with chronic diseases, people with skin sensitivity, people with high allergic reactions should be very careful and consult a doctor before use. Otherwise, irreversible damage may occur.

What are the harms of camel thorns?

The milk thistle plant, which is very beneficial for the human body from the skin to the liver, from the outside to the inside, is generally consumed in the form of tea. Consuming this tea unconsciously or in amounts greater than those recommended by the doctor may cause the following side effects or adverse reactions:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Itching
  • Vomiting
  • Skin irritation
  • Bloating in the stomach
  • Intestinal problems
  • Headache

Important note: This content is not medical advice. The contents are for informational purposes only and should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical problem. If you have a medical problem, please consult your doctor.
