Beware of sexually transmitted infections! Benefits of using condoms

Beware of sexually transmitted infections Benefits of using condoms

1. Protects against sexually transmitted infections

Condoms provide up to 98% effective protection against many sexually transmitted infections such as HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis. It helps maintain a safe sexual life by protecting the health of both parties. In this way, the spread of infections can be prevented by using condoms.

2. Prevents unwanted pregnancy


When used correctly, condoms can be effective in preventing unwanted pregnancies. This is a great advantage, especially for couples who do not yet plan to have children.

3. Provides hygiene


Condoms are the most hygienic protection method as they are disposable. Condoms, which can be easily thrown away after use, help protect the health of both partners.

4. Easily accessible


Condoms are readily available from pharmacies, supermarkets and even many grocery stores. Being an affordable and practical method of protection makes it accessible to everyone.

5. Increases mutual trust


Condoms increase the feeling of confidence in sexual intercourse, providing a more comfortable and enjoyable experience between partners. This trust improves the quality of sexual intercourse and helps both parties enjoy more.

6. Provides comprehensive protection


Condoms provide double-sided protection, with versions available for both men and women. Female condoms are just as effective as male condoms and offer an additional layer of protection during sexual intercourse. Thus, both parties are protected and feel safer during sexual intercourse.

7. They have a variety of options


Many different types of condoms are sold, such as thin, thick, serrated, flavored. It is possible to find an option to suit every taste and need, and this diversity can also be used to add color to sexual relationships.

8. Conveniently portable


Condoms are small and lightweight and can be carried anywhere. Condoms can be placed in a wallet, purse or pocket and are ready for immediate use when needed. This practicality allows you to be protected at all times.

9. Provides side-effect-free protection


Unlike hormonal methods, condoms do not contain chemicals and therefore do not cause hormonal side effects. Being a natural method, it provides protection without disturbing the body’s chemical balance. Non-latex options are also available to prevent allergic reactions.

10. Increases awareness


Condom use increases awareness about sexual health. It encourages knowledge for a healthy sexual life and is of great importance in protecting against sexually transmitted infections.

