Anger in Israel after being put on UN ‘list of shame’

Anger in Israel after being put on UN list of

Israel, Hamas and Islamic Jihad have been added to the UN’s “list of shame” on the rights of children in conflict. This decision provokes anger in Israel and could have consequences on relations between the Jewish state and the international organization, according to its leaders.

1 min

From our correspondent in Jerusalem, Michael Paul

Shame on you ! », berates Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan in his response to the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres. This can only encourage Hamas to use children to carry out terrorist acts, he adds.

L’UN put herself on history’s blacklist by joining supporters of Hamas assassins », Proclaims for his part the Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu which speaks of ” crazy decision “. For Minister Benny Gantz, the hypocrisy of the international institution has reached a historic level.

Measures envisaged

As for Foreign Minister Israel Katz, he announced that this decision would change relations between Israel and the United Nations. Israel could cut all contact with the UN representative for the Middle East.

Another measure is being considered: qualifying the agency for Palestinian refugees, Unwra, of a terrorist organization. Israel is now the first democratic country to appear on this “list of shame” with all the consequences that this can entail.

While diplomatic efforts to secure a truce stall, American Secretary of State Antony Blinken is expected next week in Israel, Egypt, Qatar and Jordan, to “ promote a ceasefire proposal » presented recently by the president Joe Bidenaccording to Washington.

Read alsoUN General Assembly provides massive but symbolic support for Palestinian membership

In 2015 already…

In column in March 2015Bede Sheppard, deputy director of Human Rights Watch (Children’s Rights Division) reported a article from Guardian British according to which the Israeli government “allegedly exerted strong pressure on United Nations representatives in Jerusalem to avoid the inclusion of the Israel Defense Forces in the UN Secretary-General’s “list of shame” of armed groups that have committed serious human rights violations. children during armed conflicts.

The “List of Shame” is a “ effective tool ” And ” particularly necessary in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict » wrote Bede Sheppard. “ Fighting between Israel and Palestinian armed groups in Gaza last summer had a devastating effect on the region’s children. Israeli airstrikes that Human Rights Watch investigated have killed many civilians, including children. The blockade of the Gaza Strip has also had a disastrous impact on the health of Palestinian children, due to obstructions in the delivery of food, medicine and other basic goods. »

Bed Sheppard also pointed out that Hamas was also entitled to appear on this list because of its attacks on Israeli schools.
