“An aberrant controversy” – L’Express

the artistic director resigns – LExpress

Private school and “elite secession”

Laurent Opsomer, Saint-Amand-les-Eaux (North)

The controversy concerning the new Minister of National Education Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, mired after her lies about the private schooling of her children, reveals the “secession of the elites”, to use Jérôme Fourquet’s expression. In his book, The French Archipelago, the political scientist demonstrates that the privileged classes have invested massively in private education. This controversy poses another problem: that of the financing of denominational education (private education is overwhelmingly Catholic) by the State and local authorities, therefore, ultimately, the question of secularism, a republican value and principle visibly at odds with geometry. variable under the Fifth Republic. (“Regeneration” will not come through education”L’Express of January 25.)

READ ALSO: Oudéa-Castéra, Cahuzac, Balkany… These lies that cost politicians dearly

The world of culture taken hostage

Claire Rodriguez, Poitiers (Vienna)

Regardless of any literary judgment, the controversy targeting Sylvain Tesson says a lot about the ambient intellectual confusion and confusionism. To understand how we got here, we must know that the decolonial sphere continues its strategy of entryism in the cinematographic and editorial circles as it also does in the university environment. But precisely, the ideology of the indigenists corresponds to the criteria of the most radical far right. In addition to the literary and intellectual shipwreck of our country, this controversy reminds us to what extent the so-called “cultural” world is taken hostage by the racist and anti-Semitic ideology of the sympathizers of Houria Bouteldja, spokesperson for the Indigenous People of the Republic, and of Hamas. It is therefore easy for them to invert values ​​and practice intellectual terrorism, allied with terrorism tout court. In the Anglosphere, all the red lines have already been crossed. And anyone who knows history knows where this leads. (“Petition against Sylvain Tesson: “They think that literature is another way of being left-wing“”, on Lexpress.fr)

Artistic freedom in danger

Michel Cohen, Nantes (Loire-Atlantique)

“When I hear the word culture, I take out my revolver,” said a Nazi dignitary of the Third Reich. Today as yesterday, fascism attacks culture. In the United States and Europe, artistic freedom is disappearing – while the freedom to spread lies and hatred has never been better. First, films and books censored under pressure from identity and radicalized lobbies. Then some books rewritten or burned. Calls for boycotts are increasing against great writers and philosophers. And now, we are witnessing this aberrant controversy against Sylvain Tesson… (“The fairies, its detractors, the French Academy… The confidences of Sylvain Tesson”L’Express of January 18.)

READ ALSO: Sylvain Tesson, the reaction icon

Shocking remuneration

Jean-Michel Wantz, Quiberon (Morbihan)

I was very shocked by the amount of remuneration of Laurent Wauquiez’s advisors at the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Council, which would range from 4,000 to more than 10,000 euros. By comparison, an associate professor of National Education, like me, receives between 2,476 euros gross at the start of his career and 4,110 euros gross at the end of his career. Without wanting to minimize the work of these advisors, it is high time to recognize the merit of all teachers at its true value. (“Suspicions of “ghost jobs” for relatives of Wauquiez: offices searchedon Lexpress.fr).

Copé, Ciotti and the Republicans

Philippe Duffau, Vaux-le-Pénil (Seine-et-Marne)

I was a member of the RPR, then the UMP. I left this party since I no longer recognize myself in it because I no longer see any difference between the positions of Eric Ciotti and Marine Le Pen. On the other hand, I appreciate Jean-François Copé’s columns in L’Express. Why is it not more audible within the Republicans? (“Passions against reason: on unequal weapons”L’Express of January 11.)

Leadership: (re) discover the column of Julia de Funès

Teleworking, authority, annual interviews, management training, merit… Far from conventional discourse and current fashions, Julia de Funès, doctor of philosophy, delivers an incisive look at the world of work and the debates that cross it. Critique of personal development and coaching, the author of Socrates in the land of processes demonstrates the deceptions and questions our relationship to work. Because the relationship between executives and the company has evolved in recent years, the philosopher, always keen to contribute to “liberating the mind from certain regimentations”, gives ideas to managers to restore meaning to their teams. To be found every two weeks in our Ideas pages and online on our site and our application!
