Residents in Hungary received half a million in Sweden

Residents in Hungary received half a million in Sweden
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full screen A woman received housing allowance even though she lived abroad. The building in the picture has nothing to do with the article. Archive image. Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

A tenant in Stockholm received housing and child benefits of close to SEK 500,000 for several years – but actually lived in Hungary. Now she is sentenced for crime of contribution, reports Hem & Hyra.

In the apartment, which is located in a suburb of Stockholm, three other people lived instead while the woman stayed in Hungary. The woman, for her part, claims that she lived in Sweden during the period in question, but that she went to Hungary to visit her special home.

However, the district court does not buy that explanation, which has now decided that the woman must repay SEK 494,000, plus interest, which she received in grants over the years. Among other things, one of the woman’s children was born in Hungary, and she has also not declared any income in Sweden for several years.
