Nieuwegein ugly? With the help of these residents, the city should become beautiful again

Nieuwegein ugly With the help of these residents the city

More and more municipalities are taking a more creative approach

All municipalities in the Netherlands participate in citizen participation, says the Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG). This means that they do a better job of involving residents in decisions about what will happen in a city or village, for example.

“You also have to shape it with residents, because it affects them directly,” explains VNG spokesperson Ruud Koerts. He sees new initiatives more and more often. It really concerns everything: “From participation, surveys and monitors to citizen forums and discussion platforms. The new Environmental Act also stipulates that municipalities are obliged to carry out this participation.”

This specific project already seems to be working for Nieuwegein. While around 80 people attend a ‘regular’ information evening, 350 people are now actively participating, simply from their smartphones.
