İbrahim Saraçoğlu announced the miraculous oil that the American professor gave to his daughter! Countless benefits

Ibrahim Saracoglu announced the miraculous oil that the American professor

A healthy diet protects the body against diseases and acts as an armor. Foods taken into the body provide many benefits. Ibrahim Saracoglu, Prof. Dr. He made remarkable statements about the benefits of black seed oil in the Healthy Life program with Saraçoğlu.

İbrahim Saraçoğlu “An American professor’s daughter had Hashimoto. ‘I will send you a cold press, use this.’ “There’s no such thing as Hashimoto in her daughter,” she said.



“Let’s say you’re going to get some repairs done.” Saracoğlu said in his statement, “You don’t know what you will encounter there. You put screwdrivers, chisels, pliers, etc. in the tool bag. This is like the presence of all kinds of keys in the black seed oil tool bag. If you take it into your body orally, there is nothing that it will not fix. As long as it is done right.” gave place.

nigella sativa


You can consume 1 teaspoon and tablespoon of black seed oil once a day on an empty stomach. It can also be added to salads if there is difficulty in plain use.


It can be your supporter while fighting cancer.
Consuming black cumin powder may be beneficial for Helicobacter pylori infection, which can cause ulcers.
It shows a bloating effect from digestive system problems.
It can be effective in reducing allergic reactions with an effect such as an antihistamine. It can improve allergic symptoms, especially in hay fever.


When people who use asthma medications eat black cumin in addition to these drugs, cough, wheezing, respiratory and lung complaints may improve.
Again, in people with COPD, black seed oil can help heal the lungs.


It is stated that it gives positive results on sperm count and movement.
Diabetes patients’ consumption of black cumin seeds or black cumin oil every day can balance their blood sugar levels.

It is not correct to expect that black seed, which is said to be able to reduce the blood pressure level of healthy people, is effective for high blood pressure.
Black cumin helps strengthen the immune system.
Applying a gel containing black seed extract may show acne-healing properties.
