Belly massage: benefits, constipation, how to do it?

Belly massage benefits constipation how to do it

Described as the “second brain” or “enteric brain” in Chinese medicine, the belly is the seat of emotions. To relieve bloating, constipation, poor digestion and other digestive ailments, abdominal massage is ideal. However, it requires specific know-how and should not be performed in certain cases.

What are the benefits of a belly massage on constipation?

Gases in the digestive tract can cause unbearable pain. A properly performed abdominal massage, by an experienced and trained practitioner, can relieve short-term pain, decongest the entire digestive tract and even treat long-term constipation. Belly massage is a natural remedy that also helps loosen the abdominal muscles when stressed, to relax the digestive and urinary organs in order to improve their functioning, to evacuate toxins and eliminate cellulite.
“Belly massage is an act rarely prescribed by doctors even though its benefits are significant, especially in cases of constipation.regrets Denis Bellaiche, physiotherapist masseur in Paris. Today, it is essentially requested by a affluent clientele, feminine, prone to stress. If a massage of the belly does not make it possible to replace a medicinal treatment, it can make it possible, in the space of a few sessions, to find a more regular bowel movement“.

What are the benefits of a belly massage on digestion?

“A belly massage is performed clockwise, which promotes digestion since the practitioner will follow the intestines, without pressing too much. The evacuation of gases and stools is then facilitated, explains the masseur-physiotherapist. Another benefit, belly massage stimulates the secretion of endorphins, hormones of well-being, which gives an overall feeling of well-being. “However, this requires a letting go on the part of the patient. In addition, it is essential to adopt a varied and balanced diet with fiber, drink water and avoid sodas“, he continues.

It usually follows 5 steps, from simple fingertip touch, in a circular way, with the strongest pressure, starting from the thorax at the bottom of the belly. The palpate-roll can participate at the stages of belly massage. It requires know-how because the vital organs are solicited. It can be particularly effective in eliminating cellulite formation and reducing the orange peel effect.

The easiest way to perform self-massage of the belly is to place a hand on his belly then perform circular movements around the navel, applying light pressure. This gesture can be performed ten times, breathing deeply and calmly.

Does a belly massage make you lose weight?

Belly massage promotes blood circulation, helps reduce bloating and improves digestion. In this sense, it can therefore contribute to reducing the “bloated” appearance of the belly but does not, on its own, allow you to lose the fat that is there. Only regular exercise and a balanced diet can help lose belly fat.

What are the contraindications for belly massage?

Insofar as the belly is in relation to the vital organs (like the bladder or the stomach), it is likely a perfect control, carried out by a practitioner with adequate massage training. Belly massage should be done two hours after the meal. It is not recommended in the following cases: menstruation, wearing an IUD, ulcers, internal inflammation, colitis, skin problems (psoriasis, hives, eczema), varicose veins…

Thanks to Denis Bellaiche, physiotherapist masseur in Paris.
