Anger about razor wire at Landgoed Dennenburg: ‘The owner creates a luxurious zoo for himself’

Anger about razor wire at Landgoed Dennenburg The owner creates

For more than two years there has been a lot of fuss around the Landgoed Dennenburg. The owner – Maik Willems, entrepreneur and owner of Bastion Hotels – has closed off a walking path along the estate with a fence. That path was passable for no less than 150 years for local residents and has now been closed for almost two years. As a result, the Klompenpad behind it can only be reached with a detour of a few kilometers.

Local residents have since been campaigning to reopen the walking path. The municipality has decided that the fence must be removed because it has concluded that it is a public road. Landowners have appealed against this. The case will be brought before the court on May 31, which will then also legally test whether the road is public and can be reopened.
