The minister’s anger: “The world’s worst April Fool’s joke”

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Today, Russia takes over the presidency of the UN Security Council. This despite strong protests from, among others, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, writes CNN. – The world’s worst April Fool’s joke, he says. The last time Russia held the post was in February last year – the same month the country’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine began. The presidency of the Security Council shifts monthly between the council’s total of 15 member states, and is governed by the body’s five permanent members, including the United States and Russia. According to the council’s statutes, the presidency must be a neutral party, but in the coming month, Russia will be able to direct meetings about Ukraine – and be given space to continue smearing the West. – The same country that systematically violates fundamental laws regarding international security is the chairman of the body whose sole mission is to protect and defend international security, says Dmytro Kuleba. “Grotesque” That Russia once again holds the club means that the presidency is held by a country whose leader Vladimir Putin is wanted by the International Criminal Court ICC for war crimes. – It appears quite grotesque… It makes the council appear in a bad light, says Richard Gowan, head of the UN’s international crisis group. Over the past year, Ukraine has repeatedly called for Russia to be kicked out of the council. The expert explains in the player above: The war crimes charges have no bearing on the presidency.
