What are the benefits of Menengiç seed? How to consume Menengiç seed, what is it good for?

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Menengic seed is a seed used as a medicine in alternative medicine from past to present. Menengic seeds can be dried and consumed as coffee, or a finished soap can be made from the oil of menengic seeds. In addition to these, menengiç can be consumed directly in the form of seeds or as nuts. It is also rich in vitamins A, C, B and E.

What does Menengiç seed do?

Menengiç generally grows ecologically in the Mediterranean, Eastern Anatolia and Southern Anatolia regions, in rural and mountainous areas. Menengiç, which is an ungrafted form of wild pistachio, is similar in structure to Siirt pistachio. Menengic, popularly known as bıttım, hackberry, çıtlık and çedene, is obtained from the menengiç tree that grows in many parts of the world. Menengiç seed, also known as hackberry, is a very beneficial food for human health. Menengiç seed, which stands out with its high nutritional values, can be consumed for many purposes. The benefits of Menengiç seed are as follows:

  • It has antioxidant effect.
  • It helps to remove toxins from the body.
  • It strengthens the immune system.
  • It delays aging and supports cell regeneration.
  • With the oil of Menengiç seed, you can massage the painful areas.
  • It is good for many pains, especially rheumatism.
  • It fights urinary tract infection.
  • It regulates the acid balance of the stomach.
  • It is good for upper respiratory tract diseases.
  • It keeps you full and suppresses the feeling of hunger.
  • It is good for chronic stomach ailments.
  • It is good for anemia and prevents excessive bleeding, regulates menstrual bleeding.
  • The oils in the Menengiç seed show an antioxidant effect.

How to consume Menengiç seed?

Consumption of Menengiç seed is usually in three different ways. Menengic coffee, which is obtained by drying and grinding the seeds of menengic, is the most consumed form of menengic seed. Menengic coffee gives energy, supports people who want to lose weight in this process, is rich in antioxidants. However, it is not recommended to drink more than 2 cups a day due to its high fat content.

Bittim soap is made by grinding the seeds of menengiç as well as the seeds of Menengic and extracting the oil. In addition to having many benefits, Bıttım soap is preferred for skin and hair ailments and is good for the problems that occur here. It is good for eczema and fungal disease. It prevents the formation of acne on the skin and accelerates the healing of acne. It makes the hair more moist and lively. However, before using Bıttım soap, it is recommended to know the skin and hair type, and to consult a doctor before using it if there are also disorders such as eczema and psoriasis.

Apart from coffee and soap, menengiç seeds can also be consumed by drying. Menengic seeds are placed on a tray and baked in the oven for 5-10 minutes. Dried menengiç seeds can be consumed directly with cookies. As such, it can be used in salads, or it can be ground and used as a spice.

Does Menengiç weaken the seed?

No food has a direct purpose or effect as weight loss. Menengiç seed is also not a food that directly weakens or gains weight. Depending on how and how much menengiç seed is consumed, it helps in the process of losing weight or gaining weight. Menengic seed can help to lose weight if consumed as coffee. However, since menengiç coffee has a high fat content, consuming more than 2 cups a day can cause weight gain. Thanks to its satiety, it can be consumed as an appetite suppressant in between meals. Menengiç seed helps to lose or gain weight depending on how and how much it is consumed.
