The Minister for Civil Defence: Disinformation a threat to Sweden’s democracy

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

According to the Agency for Psychological Defense, the amount of misinformation and influence campaigns that have been directed at Sweden in 2022 “to the highest degree” has been more extensive than in previous years.

This is a picture that Carl-Oskar Bohlin (M), minister for civil defense in the Kristersson government since autumn 2022, shares.

– It is serious. Undue influence of information in the form of disinformation, spreading rumors and other spreading of misleading information can pose a threat to Sweden’s democracy, decision-making and self-determination, he tells SVT Nyheter.

Extra focus during the Swedish presidency of the EU

What does the minister plan to do next year that has not been done so far?

– I will conduct a close dialogue with the Authority for Psychological Defense on the development and on the construction of the psychological defense. Any impact on the Swedish presidency of the EU will be a matter to follow closely, where the authority also has a special mission.

The minister points out the importance of cooperation within the EU and NATO.

– I think that there are many countries that, like Sweden, need to work to strengthen their psychological defenses, says Carl-Oskar Bohlin.
