Faced with a tense economic context, Lebanon reinforces security for the holidays

Faced with a tense economic context Lebanon reinforces security for

Faced with the wave of crime raging in Lebanon due to the economic crisis and the approach of the end-of-year celebrations, the Lebanese authorities have implemented a vast security plan throughout the territory.

With our correspondent in Lebanon, Paul Khalifeh

This is the most important security device put in place in Lebanon since the beginning of the crisis at the end of 2019. 8,000 police officers, including 500 officers and thousands of soldiers, have been deployed to ensure security in Beirut and in the other regions. during the Christmas and New Year holidays. 440 police patrols and other security services will cover the entire territory.

Agents and soldiers will be posted in front of some 390 churches in Beirut and in major cities to reassure the faithful during religious ceremonies.

The commander-in-chief of the army, General Joseph Aoun wanted to be reassuring by stating that “ the security situation is under control » and that he « there is no fear of isolated incidents that could lead to deterioration “.

Read also: In Lebanon, the specter of food insecurity

Heinous murders, robberies and burglaries

This exceptional safety plan aims to reassure the hundreds of thousands of Lebanese emigrants who come to spend their holidays in Lebanon, but also a desperate population, worried about the wave of crime that is raging in the country.

In recent weeks, heinous murders, thefts and burglaries have increased markedly, mainly due to the crisis in Lebanon, one of the worst in the world for over 150 yearsaccording to the World Bank.

► To read also: Decryption: Can Lebanon get out of the crisis?
