How to consume kohlrabi, what are the benefits? How to eat kohlrabi radish, how much should it be consumed?

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Each of the plants that can be consumed by humans has different benefits. There are different vegetables and fruits that are good for every body and that everyone should consume. People consume various vegetables to cure their ailments or to have a more vigorous body. Kohlrabi is one of these vegetables. Kohlrabi, a vegetable with high nutritional value, has been frequently recommended by experts recently. The question of how to eat kohlrabi radish, which is known for its relaxing effect, is also frequently asked.

What are the benefits of kohlrabi?

Kohlrabi, a type of cabbage, is a very popular vegetable recently. The benefits of this vegetable, which is the new favorite of those who want to live healthy, can be listed as follows:

  • Kohlrabi, which is rich in antioxidants, helps to protect from diseases by keeping microbes away from the body.
  • Thanks to its blood pressure regulating effect, it helps to cope with stress.
  • Another effect on the blood is that it helps to eliminate anemia with plenty of iron.
  • This plant, which is also known to be good for stress, is recommended for use against insomnia problems.
  • This vegetable, which keeps blood pressure in balance with its abundant potassium content, is also recommended for blood pressure patients.
  • Since it is a vegetable rich in vitamin C, it helps to prevent diseases and stay vigorous, especially in winter.
  • With its low calories, it has taken its place among the vegetables preferred by those who want to lose weight in a healthy way.
  • Its rich vitamin content is especially good for upper respiratory tract disorders.
  • It is known to help prevent the spread of cancerous cells.
  • The kohlrabi plant, which has a regulating effect on the functioning of the kidneys, has the ability to remove and regulate urine.

How is kohlrabi consumed?

Kohlrabi, which is a kind of radish, has recently started to be consumed frequently. Especially those who live in stressful environments take care to consume this vegetable, which has a calming effect. At the same time, those who frequently experience upper respiratory tract diseases have turned to this plant, which is rich in vitamin C. Kohlrabi can be consumed in many ways. Both the leaves and the stem of the kohlrabi, which can be consumed raw, are also consumed. Kohlrabi is generally consumed as a pickle alongside meals. Kohlrabi can be grated and consumed by adding it to meals, salads and soups. Kohlrabi leaves can also be consumed boiled or roasted, or eaten as a wrap.

How to make kohlrabi salad?

Everyone’s favorite salad ingredients vary. For a general salad recipe, kohlrabi should be peeled and chopped. If desired, kohlrabi can be grated and added to the salad. Then other vegetables with high nutritional value such as red onions, parsley and carrots are added. Optionally, the number of vegetables can be increased or decreased. After the chopped ingredients, lemon, olive oil and salt are added. After mixing well, the salad is ready. Another salad recipe is the leafy one.

Do you eat kohlrabi leaves?

The kohlrabi leaves are eaten. Kohlrabi leaves are eaten by wrapping. You can also make a salad with the leaves. What is needed for this is kohlrabi leaves and corn. Finely chopped leaves are thoroughly kneaded with salt and the leaves are expected to soften. Then corn is added to it. If desired, garlic is added to the sauce prepared with salt, lemon and olive oil and the salad is ready by mixing. Salad recipes that can be made with kohlrabi can be replaced with various vegetables. Kohlrabi leaves can also be consumed by roasting or boiling.

How to eat kohlrabi radish?

The use of kohlrabi radish varies according to the type of food you cook. You can eat kohlrabi radish raw, boiled, roasted, fried or made into soup.
Kohlrabi radish is mostly used as an appetizer alongside meat dishes. In addition to these, kohlrabi is also eaten by wrapping with leaves of radish.

How much kohlrabi should be consumed?

Although kohlrabi is a natural product, it can lead to negative consequences when consumed in excess. Since it is a type of radish, it can cause iodine absorption if consumed excessively. At the same time, excessive consumption is dangerous because it affects the kidneys. For this reason, the frequently asked question “How much is kohlrabi consumed?” The answer to the question is that experts answer that it should be at most 2 times a week. Apart from this, kohlrabi has no known harm.

What vitamins are in kohlrabi?

The kohlrabi plant contains plenty of vitamins A, C and B. Kohlrabi contains many minerals besides vitamins A, C and B. The nutritional values โ€‹โ€‹of 100 grams of kohlrabi are as follows:

  • 6.2 g carbohydrates
  • 1.7 g protein
  • 0.1 g fat
  • 3.6 g fiber
  • Does not contain cholesterol
  • 20mg sodium
  • 350mg of potassium
  • 24mg calcium
  • 36 iu of vitamin A
  • 62mg of vitamin C
  • 0.4 iron

It does not contain cholesterol and contains only 27 calories per 100 grams, so this vegetable consumed in many ways can be eaten raw or cooked. If desired, it can be made into a salad raw, or if desired, it can be consumed by cooking. This vegetable, which can be consumed both raw or cooked, can be used in many different ways. Salad can be made when it is desired to be consumed raw.

What are the side effects of kohlrabi?

The kohlrabi vegetable is a type of radish. Another feature of cruciferous vegetables is that they provide iodine balance in the body. But when every food is consumed in excess, its benefit turns into harm. Kohlrabi should also have an effect on the iodine balance to be good. This effect is achieved when consumed sufficiently. If its use is excessive, the effect will turn into negative as this effect will be excessive. Disruption of the body’s iodine balance also leads to thyroid problems. The effect of kohlrabi on the kidney is also harmful when consumed excessively and can cause discomfort. At the same time, although it is recommended to be consumed by blood pressure patients, they should be careful to avoid excessive use. There is no negative situation caused by kohlrabi when it is not consumed excessively.
