Everyone has it! The bitter truth has emerged: sweat, dead skin, and more than 2,000 bacteria…

Everyone has it The bitter truth has emerged sweat dead

Like the rest of your body, it is very important to keep your belly button clean to avoid infection. If you have a white, brown or yellow discharge coming from your belly button, you may have an infection. Exposure to many external factors can collect in the belly button and cause infection.

Answering questions from his followers on his TikTok account, Dr. Karan Rajan replied to the woman who said she found a stone in her husband’s belly button. The woman, who said that her husband never cleaned his belly button, said that over time, his wife’s belly button started to hurt.

The woman, who said that she helped her husband to clean her belly button in the following days, stated that some things came out as she cleaned it.


Dr. Rajan says this is known as a navel stone. “Most people don’t notice it, but may notice it if an infection occurs in the area. It’s more likely to occur in people with poor hygiene, a very deep belly button, overweight, and a lot of hair in the area.” said.


In previous research, they found that thousands of bacteria live in the belly button that can cause odor and infection. A study examining the contents of 60 belly buttons found a total of 2,368 bacterial species. Some strains of bacteria are even considered a brand new breakthrough to science.


The most common bacterial species amount was around 67. One of the volunteers was found to be host to a bacterium that had previously only been found in soil in Japan. What makes this even more unusual is that he has never been to the country.


If you don’t want your belly button to smell bad and your belly button to get infected, you can provide hygiene in two ways.


Prepare a solution by adding 1 teaspoon of table salt to 1 glass of hot water. Using your finger or a washcloth, gently rub the inside of your belly button with the solution. After waiting for a while, rinse the area and dry it gently. This method is especially effective if you have a strange odor coming from your belly button.


Dip a cotton swab in alcohol and gently wipe your navel. Repeat this step until your belly button is clear, rinse and dry the area. By taking the time to clean your belly button regularly, you can avoid unpleasant buildups and strange smells.

A typical shower is not enough to thoroughly clean the bacteria and dirt from your belly button. Belly button cleaning should be done at least once a week. This process will only take 1-2 minutes of your time. With these methods, you can be sure that your belly button is completely clean.
