‘Weekend sports can be as healthy as sports spread throughout the week’

Weekend sports can be as healthy as sports spread throughout

According to the results of the research published in the JAMA medical journal, what is done in what time is more important than how many times you do sports.

Experts recommend 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.

A brisk walk, brisk cycling, and playing doubles tennis all equate to moderate-intensity exercise.

If you can’t devote that much time to sports, the UK Health Service recommends 75 minutes of vigorous exercise. Swimming, running or football are among the recommended sports.

Most respondents in the US survey spanned the 150-minute period over the week. However, people who spread this time to one or two sessions were also included in the study.

It has been revealed that people who can exercise for the recommended amount of time, whether it’s spread over the week or jammed into the weekend, have a lower risk of death than those who don’t.

According to the NHS, people should at least do some strengthening physical activity every day and avoid sitting for long periods of time.

Such activities include yoga, pilates and gardening.

The following are shown as short-term but vigorous sports activities that correspond to the recommended level of exercise:

  • High-Intensity Interval Training
  • Spinning lessons
  • Do not pull up heavy thing
  • hill climbing runs


“When it comes to exercise, she says it doesn’t matter when you do it,” says nurse Joanne Whitmore, from the UK Heart Foundation.

Whitmore continues:

“Squeeze all your exercise into the weekend or spread it out over the week, the goal is to get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity.”

“This type of activity will make you breathe harder, make your heart beat faster than normal, but you should also be able to talk while doing it.”
