9 Pilates exercises suitable for pregnancy

9 Pilates exercises suitable for pregnancy

Relaxation, mobilization, flexibility, muscle strengthening … Many Pilates exercises can be adapted to pregnancy.

Smooth and gentle, the Pilates method remains highly recommended during pregnancy and after childbirth.

On the same subject

Pilates exercises should focus on posture control and pelvic mobility, in order to reduce lower back strain. The improvement of the well-being of the pregnant woman goes through breathing and flexibility exercises.

In expectant mothers, the center of gravity is shifted forward, which tends to arch the back. You must therefore make sure to correct your position and retroverser your pelvis in each exercise. From the top of your head to your tailbone, your body should stay aligned.

What are the recommendations?

If you experience tightness or suffocation while lying on your back, change the exercise. The important thing is to listen to your sensations in order to adapt the duration, intensity and number of repetitions to your state of the moment.

Do not hesitate to stop if you feel dizzy, very tired or even having contractions.

The ideal for pregnant women is to use a ball or a chair to relieve the weight of the legs in the inverted chair position and limit the strain on the abdominal muscles. The stomach should not be compressed.

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