8 pharmacist tips to quickly relieve cystitis

8 pharmacist tips to quickly relieve cystitis

Constantly wanting to pee, burning while urinating… When cystitis occurs, we only expect one thing: to be relieved as soon as possible! 8 tips from a pro.

Burning, heaviness… A urinary tract infection must be treated correctly to limit the risk of complications like a pyelonephritis may have deleterious consequences. here are my 8 pharmacist tips to follow to effectively relieve cystitis.

1. Spasfon to reduce pain

To treat the pain associated with cystitis, it is possible to use a antispasmodic (Spasfon®) even an analgesic (paracetamol, ibuprofen). These drugs can be combined with the antibiotic.

2. Ban sugar, alcohol and spices

To cure and prevent cystitis, it is recommended to limit certain foods such as sugary products Who promote bacterial growth, Ispicy foods and alcoholic beverages that irritate the bladder. In addition, the proliferation of germs can be slowed down by making the urine less acidic by consumption of water rich in bicarbonates and lemon juice. Even though lemon has an acidic flavor, it increases urinary pH. Finally, the fact of fight constipation by consuming lots of fiber reduces the risk of multiplication of pathogenic intestinal bacteria which then end up in the urinary tract.

3. An intimate toilet once or twice a day

To limit the proliferation of bacteria, a good personal hygiene must be respected. To do this, the toilet of the genitals must be carried out 1 to 2 times a day with clean hands using a mild, unscented soap. During menstruation, sanitary pads should be changed regularly. After urinating, it is advisable to wipe back and forth to prevent bacteria from the rectum from contaminating the urinary tract.

4. Avoid sex (which can make it worse)

A temporary sexual abstinence can be justified during the time of inconvenience. In effect, sexual intercourse promotes the transport of bacteria from the anus to the urethra and then to the bladder. In the future, urinating after sex is a preventive measure for cystitis.

5. Forget too tight clothes

Tight pants can cause rubbing in the genital area. As for the underwear, they must be changed every day and the cotton is preferable to synthetic materials.

6. Natural food supplements without a prescription in pharmacies

Several pharmaceutical products can improve urinary comfort: Femannose®, Cys-control® Flash, Urisanol® Flash, Cystiplex®, etc. They can be taken alone or combined with the antibiotic depending on the clinical situation. These are food supplements or medical devices based on one or more of the following components: cranberry (small sour red berry), the D-mannose (sugar with antibacterial action), the heather (plant diuretic and antiseptic of the urinary tract), essential oils (lemon, cinnamon, clove). There cranberry and D-mannose reduce the adhesion of bacteria to the walls of the bladder. If you are on oral anticoagulants, you should not take cranberries without medical advice.

7. Probiotics to restore vaginal flora

Available without a prescription, probiotics restore the vaginal flora and thus limit bacterial proliferation in the urinary tract. They contain strains like Lactobacillus helveticus and Lactobacillus crispatus, sometimes combined with cranberry. Food supplements intended to relieve and prevent cystitis include: Feminabiane CBU®, Symbiosys Cytalia®, Ergyphilus intima®.

8. Drink water and urinate often to eliminate germs

As soon as cystitis occurs, you must go several times in the toilet during the day to promote the urinary elimination of the germs responsible for the infection. To urinate as often as possible, it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day.

When to consult?

At the first signs, some urinary tract infections should lead to a medical consultation. This is the case of a recurrent cystitis, cystitis in a pregnant woman, a child, a man, a person over 75, a person with a chronic illness, urinary tract malformation or immunosuppression. Likewise, self-medication should be avoided in case of cystitis associated with fever and lower back pain since these signs are characteristic of pyelonephritis (kidney infection). A medical consultation allows you to benefit from appropriate care, namely an antibiotic, most often essential for the healing of the urinary tract infection.
